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Here is a selection of completed work from Splashbacks of Distinction.
A metallic finish to your glass kitchen or bathroom splashback really is a sight to behold. Much like your car, a metallic finish is a sought after addition. It offers a much improved slant of a solid colour that almost sparkles with character.
Most items you buy from a car to a glass splashback will have a solid colour at no extra cost. The most common options are white, red, blue or black, and the chances are that the paint colour will not add to the cost of your chosen purchase.
Solid colours work very well on glass splashbacks for a completely even single shade finish. They are inexpensive too owing to the single colour.
Metallic paints are effectively the same as solid paints, only with a small quantity of powdered metal added. The size and type of metal added varies depending on manufacturer choices, but it is commonly about 1 part in 50 of aluminium powder.
Although not much more expensive to produce and would not make a great deal of difference to the price when applied to a glass splashback
The metal particles in the paint pick up and reflect more light that the solid paint colours, giving your glass splashback a far more appealing shine than it would with solid colours.
Remember that at Splashbacks of Distinction we manufacture, supply and fit splashbacks for any room in your home or office, not just the kitchen. We supply the following items in premium quality glass to enhance your property:
Why not call us today for a free, no obligation quote on a new glass splashback or one of our other specialist toughened glass products?
Kitchen splashbacks - images of food
Kitchen splashbacks - city scapes
Kitchen splashbacks - brick and stone
Kitchen splashbacks - abstract patterns
Kitchen splashbacks - abstract waves
Kitchen splashbacks - colour fades
Kitchen splashbacks - SofD own range
Kitchen splashbacks - light blue
Kitchen splashbacks - dark blue
Kitchen splashbacks - turquoise
Kitchen splashbacks - light green
Kitchen splashbacks - dark green
Kitchen splashbacks - lime green
Kitchen splashbacks - light grey
Kitchen splashbacks - dark grey
Kitchen splashbacks - varied colour schemes
Kitchen splashbacks - mirrored finish
Kitchen splashbacks - antique mirrored finish
Kitchen splashbacks - metallic finish
Kitchen splashbacks - silver sparkle finish
Kitchen splashbacks - crystal sparkle finish
Kitchen splashbacks - glitter finish
Internal balustrades with glass infills
External balustrades with glass infills
Commercial balustrades with glass infills
Showroom: Unit 11, Broomhall Farm, Watton At Stone, Hertford SG14 2RN
Splashbacks of Distinction is the trading name of RDC Glass Ltd